Thursday 14 February 2013

Waterloo Road Analysis

The establishing shot of the scene is of the main girl character in the scene Vicky. She is standing alone leaning against a doorway starting on at two other characters that are deep in conversation with each other. Vicky is wearing a green jacket over a school uniform; the colour green has many negative connotations including jealousy and envy. The way in which Vicky is leaning against the door frame suggests that she is not stable and feels that she needs some support. Vicks has her arms folded across her body, signifying that she is an insecure person. The shot enables the audience to see Vicky in the background and the girl and boy conversing in the foreground. Although Vicky appears to be the selected focus of the shot her body language and distance from the other two characters speaking, suggest to the audience that she feels left out of the conversation and she feels jealousy towards the blonde girl (Maddy) who is speaking to Vicky’s boyfriend (Ronan).
From the establishing shot, the director cuts to an over shoulder shot from Vicky’s point of view, focusing on the characters: Maddy and Ronan in the background. During this shot, the setting is further established as a school food tech room as a wider shot of the set is visible. In the shot, the lighting on Vicky is low key, and very dark and shadowy, this could signify her emotional state, and the dark unhappy place she feels that she is in emotionally. In contrast the lighting on the character of Ronan in the shot is high key natural lighting which indicates a happier brighter mood. Maddy is wearing all black in the shot, the negative connotations of black suggest that: Maddy may be causing problem is in Ronan and Vicky’s relationship and the way in which she is bringing negative and bad energy to their relationship.
The director then cuts the camera to a mid-shot of Maddy and Ronan standing beside each other, portraying to the audience their closeness in the scene. The diegetic sound of dialogue between Maddy and Ronan is heard allowing the audience to hear Maddy’s strong northern/ Yorkshire accent letting the audience recognise where the program Waterloo Road may be set. As the conversation between Maddy and Ronan builds they share eye contact with each other, which once again leaves Vicky feeling secluded and left out and possibly suggesting to the audience that the pair may have something to hide between the two of them. As Ronan turns towards the doorway and sees Vicky for the first time standing there in the doorway, his facial expressions become subdued suggesting that he feels guilty for talking to Maddy, and being ‘caught’ by Maddy, this therefore suggests that in Ronan and Vicky’s relationship Vicky holds more power, which subverts the usual gender stereotypes that the male in the relationship is the strong powerful  individual, and the female as the weaker submissive individual who follows her partners wishes.
The rector the cuts back showing a mid-shot of Vicky still leaning against the doorframe in the doorway of the food technology room, which allows the audience to then witness her reaction to what she has just seen between Maddy and Ronan. Vicky’s arms are still folded across her body suggesting the anger that she may feel at Ronan and Maddy and the fact that she is not impressed by it but this could also connote that she feels uncomfortable and insecure around Maddy, because she feels threatened by her friendship with Ronan, and the increasing closeness of it. The diegetic sound of Vicky’s dialogue is heard by the audience: “You having a nice time?” is delivered in a cold sarcastic tone suggesting anger, and emphasising on the jealousy that Vicky is feeling. The director then cuts to an over shoulder shot of Ronan over Vicky’s shoulder, Maddy is cut out of the frame by Vicky’s head suggesting that Vicky is trying to assert her place in the relationship, and that she feels the need to involve herself in the conversation.The director keeps the camera in a still position as the scene develops further, Vicky begins to move slowly about the frame she stands in front of Ronan blocking him from the shot so that the audience can view an over shoulder shot of Maddy over Vicky’s shoulder, emphasising again the dominant role that Vicky holds in their relationship, and that she wants Ronan to keep all to herself. Maddy again returns to view in the shot which could imply that she is trying to get in the middle of Ronan and Vicky’s relationship, by: ‘worming her way’ in to Ronan's affections. From this point, shot reverse shot is used by the director, cutting between close ups of their conversation as they begin to speak to each other. The director then cuts back to a close-up shot of Vicky’s face as she begins to speak with Maddy. The diegetic dialogue from Vicky is heard, as she angrily shouts at Maddy to: “Get out!” the dialogue from Vicky again suggests a strongness that continues to subvert usual gender stereotypes, an as Maddy leaves and obeys Vicky’s command it is obvious to the audience that Vicky holds more power over Ronan that Maddy does within the scene. A close up of roans reaction to this and his facial expressions let the audience realise that he is shocked and bewildered by Vicky’s hostile actions towards Maddy.

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